NokiaNokia focuses on QT proffering something for both developers and users

Nokia focuses on QT proffering something for both developers and users

Nokia Qt Nokia has always attempted to augment its service for both end users and developers. Nokia Conversations elucidates that now the company intends to focus only on Qt to seamlessly integrate its development environments across device platforms. It has decided to make Qt its sole application development framework.

“We’re making strategic technology decisions that will accelerate our ability to offer the strongest possible opportunity for developers and the richest possible experience for consumers. For developers, it will open up a huge installed customer base for their applications. For consumers, it means a more compelling engagement with their Nokia product in terms of access to the best applications in the marketplace and a constantly improving product experience. We firmly believe that the choices we have made will not only mean significant opportunity and success for our developer partners, but for Nokia as well,” said
Rich Green, CTO of Nokia.

This would mean that now if developers create their application based on Qt, then it will be easier for them to deliver it to Nokia devices operating on the Symbian and MeeGo platforms. Previously it was just a Qt advocate; however now the company has plans to build their own apps and user interface based entirely on Qt. Further, Nokia has enunciated that it will employ HTML5 standard augmenting web content and software for Symbian and MeeGo platforms. This would be done with embedded Qt support through the browser for both of them.

That’s it for the developers, moving onto customers this would mean a deluge of fresh apps waiting for them. However, the best part is still to come. Users can now purchase a Nokia smartphone, positive that any enhancements like improved UI released later can be accessed by them. Thus, handset owners needn’t wait for Symbian^4, since the improvements designed for Symbian^4 will be launched as soon as they are ready. Moreover, the company even states that from now onwards they wouldn’t be talking about Symbian^3 or Symbian^4, as there will be only one improving and evolving platform.

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