LGLG Q Voice with English language support to land next year

LG Q Voice with English language support to land next year

LG Quick Voice

After having been introduced roughly a month ago, LG Q Voice is on the verge of playing with English syllables. In other words, the voice recognition intelligence will arrive with English language support by the first half of next year.

The utility has been tweaked to make for a smooth user experience. An attribute by which a single female voice in a room full of males can be identified is built into the application. In this version, potential users should be able to adjust Bluetooth, vibration and sound settings with voice commands.

To spice up the tool’s usability, the South Korean manufacturer has included interesting interactive features as well. Say, handset owners ask the device something along the lines of what it ate for lunch, it answers the query with reference to its power consumption details.

Engadget reports that the technology will initially be available only for the smartphones being sold in Korea. The Optimus Vu and Optimus LTE II are speculated to be the first few devices to incorporate the app. Nevertheless, other LG phones will welcome the application in the future.

Originally called Quick Voice, the company shed light on its personal voice assistant in the latter half of June this year. For now, companies seem to be working hard towards making their phones more human-centric and LG has stepped further in this direction, clearly taking a leaf or two from Apple’s and Samsung’s books.

Like we’ve mentioned above, the LG Q Voice app with English language support is expected to break cover in the first half of 2013.

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